I work in marketing and communications for a small, liberal arts college. Being around young folks all the time is inspiring, but also makes me feel old.
I use to work at a library but am not a librarian. Yes, working at a library is really awesome, but sometimes it is also work.
I also worked at a newspaper and stayed up late at night hunting for missing commas and misspelled words. This would make you think that I would be better at editing my own writing, but I'm not. Please forgive me.
Before the paper, I was a full-time volunteer in Kansas City, Kan. While all my needs were taken care of, I only had a $45 a month stipend for spending money. I was young, poor and on my own in the "big" city.
I went to a small, Mennonite, liberal arts college. Aside from my family, Bethel College may be the great love of my life. I still walk the campus in my mind -- reading on the Green, the creaky floors of the Admin Building, the casual buzz of the dining hall.
My family
I am the proud mother of Liam, born in April 2010, and Gwen, born in August 2014. Liam loves superheroes, asking a thousand questions and charming every adult in the room. Gwen loves to tell everyone what to do, burst into song and dance and make creative messes.
I am married to Chris. Our first date was senior prom. We then dated for eight years before tying the knot.
He is a nerd. He proposed via World of Warcraft. He is also the best man I know, so it balances out.
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